Friday, April 4, 2014

Day 4 First Feeding

Today is the first day to feed the starter by moving it to a fresh, clean container and adding more flour and water.  It's amazing how after just three days, how it has truly become alive as Peter Reinhart describes in this TED talk.

There was a crusty layer on the top and below was a soft gooey layer the consistency of pancake batter.  We took a small amount of the original starter from the bowl including some from both layers.

To that I added water.

My children took turns adding flour as a 50/50 white/wheat mix and we stirred it together.

Darth Vader also participated in starter making.

Even an hour after feeding, the newly fed starter had a completely different smell.  It smells sour Elmer's Glue.  The sour smell is a new note that we hadn't had before.  Does that mean I have more bacteria than yeast growing?

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