Sunday, December 23, 2012

Scorzonera Brunch Fritters

After a long blog hiatus, I am excited to try several new recipes for our Christmas weekend celebration using an extra large weekly CSA share from Open Oak Farm.  Today, I'm starting with using scorzonera to make fritters with a recipe recommended by our farmers from The Guardian for Sunday brunch. 

Scorzonera Brunch Fritters
6 scorzonera roots peeled and chopped (from Open Oak Farm)
1 clove garlic minced (from Open Oak Farm)
2 T butter
dash cayenne pepper
1 t coriander
1 egg
1 T flour
salt and pepper
olive oil

Cook scorzonera in butter.  Remove from heat and add to bowl with other ingredients.  Add olive oil to pan and pour batter into 5-6 fritters.  Bake approximately 4 minutes per side until golden brown.

They were delicious, easy to make, and a fun way to try this novel winter perennial root.

1 comment:

  1. These sound lovely! I hope we get some more scorzonera during the CSA season!
