Thursday, April 3, 2014

Day 3, Cat Paws, and a New Book

Oh fun!  Day three is definitely different than day two!  The starter has more bubbles, seems to have a crusty layer over the top, and is even darker brown in color.  It smells like smoked sausage!

I'm worried that I don't have a warm enough place in the house.  Chad Robertson recommends 80 degrees, but my house is closer to 64 during the day.  I've been moving it around to warm places (heat vent, on top of the dishwasher), but I don't know if this make sense for the long-term.

This is what the starter looked like tonight (48 hours).

This is what it looked like after the cat stepped into the bowl.  It so interesting how below the crusty exterior the color of the starter looks like it did on the first evening.

So now, there's a new cloth covering the top.

Tomorrow is the big moving day to the jar and I get to feed part of it.  I have a whole day to figure how I will measure 75g of starter without a scale...

Today I purchased this beautiful new bread book too.  The photos and descriptions are fantastic.  I might need to try a challenge like my friend did with the Bread Bakers Apprentice to bake every bread in here.  It would definitely expand my bread baking skills!

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