Sunday, July 22, 2012

Pesto Twist with Gnocchi

We've been talking about how handy it would be if there was a website where you could type in the ingredients in your house and it would produce menu ideas for the whole week.  In absence of that, I typed in a search for "basil and beets and kale" which produced several interesting recipe ideas.  I was particularly intrigued by this recipe on Moderate Oven website for Kale & Beet Green Pesto.

It seemed like the perfect way to use some of the kale, beet greens, and garlic scapes from our Open Oak Farm CSA.  I liked the idea of blanching the greens before blending them.  I made a couple of modifications to the recipe (not toasting the walnuts and adding a handful of parsley).  It is simple but delicious. The adventurous eaters in our house ate the pesto over store-bought whole wheat gnocchi (and the non-adventurous eater had the gnocchi with Parmesan Cheese but he liked helping with the food processor).  The greens had just a fabulous color!

A few days after preparing this, I also made a small batch of basil and garlic scrapes pesto and added it in with the leftovers.  The two types of pesto went really well together.  And I was inspired to make my own gnocchi.  This is a recipe that I have tried many times over the last 15 years.  The first time I made it, they were delicious.  However, the next several times that I tried the recipe the gnocchi were just terrible.  Fortunately, this time I had success!

Potato Gnocchi from The Compassionate Cook
4 c potatoes peeled, cubed, and boiled
2 c white flour
1/2 t salt
2 T olive oil.

Boil potatoes and then drain off the water.  Dry mash the potatoes, then add in flour, salt and olive oil.   Boil a large pot of water.  Kneed dough until well mixed using extra flour if necessary.  Divide dough into 4 portions.  Kneed each a bit more and then roll into a 1-inch diameter "snake."  Cut into approximately 1-inch pieces.  Drop gnocchi into boiling water.  Once they float to the suface, boil them for 2 minutes.  Remove from the water and drain.  

Serve with fresh pesto.  It tastes like summer!

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